arunachala ashram
Call For Enquiry Timing :

10AM to 1PM(Morning)
4PM to 7PM(Evening)
+91 9965552607,
+91 86672 44560

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([email protected] [email protected]
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Call for Enquiry Timing : 10AM - 1PM (Morning) and 4PM - 7PM (Evening)


A Place for self-inquiry and selfless service

Sat Dharma Trust

Sivam Nagar II, anaipirandan Village,Chengam Road,
Tamil Nadu, India
Office Phone : +91 99655 52607
Mobile Number : +91 86672 44560
Email: [email protected](For Booking only)
[email protected](For Satsangh Purpose only)

arunachala, ashram,arunachalaashram


Tiruvannamalai needs no big introduction since it is an internationally famous spiritual place in India. Tiru+Annamalai becomes Tiruvannamalai. Tiru is the title given to show respect for the higher-order. Like Mr., Mrs., Sir., Annamalai means immeasurable Arunachala mountain.

Here the mountain itself is a form of Shiva. Maharishi Ramana says it represents one of the four great Mahavakiyams of Advaita philosophy, that is, ‘TATVAMASI- YOU ARE THAT’.

Great saints lived here since ancient times. Millions of devotees from all over the world throng this place to get the benefit of the spiritual vibe of the place and mountain. It is a wisdom-giving place.  The Shiva temple is 2000 years old on 10 Hectares.

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Shri Ramana Maharishi

Bhagwan Shri Ramana Maharishi one of the great Gurus lived in this Holy pure spiritual place until 1950. It is also known as a mystic place for Siddhas. Many people visit this place for meditation. In Tiruvannamalai, we are blessed by Lord to establish an ASHRAM and its activities are shown on its page.

Ashram means for teachings and does many charitable activities to serve the seekers who come in search of truth and also to the needy and poor as and when required.

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